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DateTime Currency Importance EventActual Forecast Previous  
Feb. 0601:00 EUR Low Estonian Industrial Production (MoM) 0.50%   2.70% Revised From 2.80%
 01:00 EUR Low Estonian Industrial Production (YoY) -4.30%   -2.50%  
 01:45 CHF Medium Unemployment Rate s.a. 2.7% 2.7%  2.7% Revised From 2.6%
 01:45 CHF Medium Unemployment Rate n.s.a. 3.0% 2.9%  2.8%  
 02:00 EUR Medium German Factory Orders (MoM) 6.9% 1.9%  -5.4%  
 02:00 SEK Medium CPI (YoY) 1.0% 0.5%  0.8%  
 02:00 EUR Low Finnish Trade Balance -0.11B   0.13B Revised From 0.10B
 02:00 SEK Medium CPI (MoM) 0.0% -0.6%  0.0%  
 02:00 SEK Low CPIF (CPI at constant interest rates) (MoM) 0.4% -0.2%  0.3%  
 02:00 SEK Low CPIF (CPI at constant interest rates) (YoY) 2.2% 1.6%  1.5%  
 02:30 HUF Low Industrial Output (YoY) -5.3% -2.4%  -4.2%  
 02:30 HUF Low Retail Sales (YoY) 0.1%   4.1%  
 03:00 CZK Low CPI (MoM) 1.3% 1.1%  -0.3%  
 03:00 CZK Low Construction Output (YoY) 9.7%   2.5%  
 03:00 CZK Low CPI (YoY) 2.8% 2.6%  3.0%  
 03:00 CZK Low Industrial Production (YoY) -3.0% -3.5%  -2.7%  
 03:00 CZK Low Trade Balance NRA 6.8B 5.3B  23.6B  
 03:10 NAD Low CPI (MoM) 1.10%   0.20%  
 03:10 NAD Low CPI (YoY) 3.20%   3.40%  
 03:30 EUR Low HCOB Germany Construction PMI 42.5   37.8  
 03:30 EUR Low HCOB Eurozone Construction PMI (MoM) 45.4   42.9  
 03:30 EUR Low HCOB France Construction PMI (MoM) 44.5   42.6  
 03:30 EUR Low HCOB Italy Construction PMI (MoM) 50.9   51.2  
 04:30 GBP High S&P Global Construction PMI 48.1 53.5  53.3  
 04:40 EUR Low Spanish 30-Year Obligacion Auction 3.691%   3.877%  
 05:00 EUR Medium Retail Sales (MoM) -0.2% -0.1%  0.0% Revised From 0.1%
 05:00 EUR Low French 10-Year OAT Auction 3.15%   3.40%  
 05:00 EUR Low French 30-Year OAT Auction 3.66%   3.93%  
 05:00 EUR Low Spanish 3-Year Bonos Auction 2.388%   2.586%  
 05:00 EUR Low Spanish 7-Year Obligacion Auction 2.705%   2.897%  
 05:00 EUR Low Retail Sales (YoY) 1.9% 1.9%  1.6% Revised From 1.2%
 05:15 UGX Low Interest Rate Decision 9.75%   9.75%  
 05:30 EUR Low German Car Registration (YoY) -2.8%   -7.1%  
 06:00 ILS Medium FX Reserve - USD 216.059B   214.563B  
 06:00 EUR Low Irish Unemployment 4.0%   4.5% Revised From 4.2%
 06:00 CAD Low Leading Index (MoM) 0.28%   0.28% Revised From 0.24%
 06:30 EGP Low M2 Money Supply (YoY) 31.10%   29.10%  
 06:30 TRY Low Gross FX Reserves 97.31B   99.33B  
 06:30 TRY Low Net FX Reserves 71.73%   73.70%  
 07:00 GBP High BoE Interest Rate Decision 4.50% 4.50%  4.75%  
 07:00 GBP High BoE MPC Meeting Minutes       
 07:00 MXN Low Consumer Confidence n.s.a. 47.2   47.3  
 07:00 GBP Medium BoE MPC vote cut 9   
 07:00 GBP Medium BoE MPC vote hike 0   
 07:00 GBP Medium BoE MPC vote unchanged 0   
 07:00 MXN Low Consumer Confidence 46.7   47.1  
 07:30 USD Low Challenger Job Cuts (YoY) -39.5%   11.4%  
 07:30 USD Low Challenger Job Cuts 49.795K   38.792K  
 08:00 RUB Medium Central Bank reserves (USD) 620.8B   619.7B  
 08:30 USD Medium Nonfarm Productivity (QoQ) 1.2% 1.5%  2.3% Revised From 2.2%
 08:30 USD High Initial Jobless Claims 219K 214K  208K Revised From 207.000K
 08:30 USD Medium Unit Labor Costs (QoQ) 3.0% 3.4%  0.5% Revised From 0.8%
 08:30 CZK Low Interest Rate Decision 3.75% 3.75%  4.00%  
 08:30 USD Medium Continuing Jobless Claims 1886K 1870K  1850K Revised From 1858.000K
 08:30 USD Low Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg. 216.75K   212.75K Revised From 212.50K
 09:15 GBP High BoE Gov Bailey Speaks       
 10:00 USD Low Total Vehicle Sales 15.60M   16.80M  
 10:00 CAD High Ivey PMI 47.1 53.0  54.7  
 10:00 CAD Low Ivey PMI n.s.a 46.2   44.3  
 10:30 USD Low Natural Gas Storage -174B -167B  -321B  
 11:15 EUR Medium German Buba President Nagel Speaks       
 11:30 USD Low 4-Week Bill Auction 4.250%   4.250%  
 11:30 EUR Low Irish Exchequer Returns 3.600B   12.800B  
 11:30 USD Low 8-Week Bill Auction 4.240%   4.240%  
 12:00 EUR Medium German Buba Balz Speaks       
 14:00 MXN Medium Interest Rate Decision   9.50%  10.00%  
 14:30 USD Medium Fed Waller Speaks       
 15:30 USD Medium FOMC Member Daly Speaks       
 16:05 GBP High BoE Gov Bailey Speaks       
 16:30 USD Medium Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks     3.201T  
 16:30 USD Medium Fed's Balance Sheet     6818B  
 17:00 CAD Medium BoC Gov Macklem Speaks       
 17:10 USD Low Fed Logan Speaks       
 18:30 JPY Medium Household Spending (YoY)   0.5%  -0.4%  
 18:30 JPY Medium Household Spending (MoM)   -0.5%  0.4%  
 18:50 JPY Low Foreign Reserves (USD)     1230.7B  
 20:00 PHP Low Industrial Production (YoY)     -3.9%  
 22:00 IDR Low FX Reserves (USD)     155.70B  
 23:00 MYR Low Industrial Production (YoY)   4.1%  3.6%  
 23:30 INR High Interest Rate Decision   6.25%  6.50%  
 23:30 INR Low Reverse REPO Rate     3.35%  
 23:30 INR Low Cash Reserve Ratio   4.00%  4.00%  